
Sunday, 21 March 2021

KEY of Translation (English-Hindi) Exercise - 35 (20-03-2021)

At its ground-breaking ceremony, he calls upon MPs to keep spirit of optimism alive around democracy by being always accountable to people and Constitution.Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said the new Parliament building, for which the ground-breaking ceremony was held, would channel and reflect the aspirations of 21st century India.

अपने अभूतपूर्व शिलान्‍यास समारोह में, उन्‍होंने सांसदों से आवाह्न किया कि वे लोगों और संसद के प्रति हमेशा जवाबदेह रहकर लोकतंत्र के प्रति आशावाद की भावना को जीवंत बनाये रखें। प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्‍द्र मोदी ने वीरवार को कहा कि नया संसद भवन, जिसके लिए अभूतपूर्व शिलान्‍यास समारोह आयोजित किया गया था, 21वीं सदी के भारत की आकांक्षाओं को आगे बढ़ाने और दर्शाने का काम करेगा।  

 Mr. Modi said, “The new building will be the amalgamation of the new and the ancient, and reflects also the spirit of fostering change in oneself adapting to changing circumstances. Our Constitution was framed and given to us in the current parliament building and it is the repository of much of our democratic legacy but it is important to be realistic as well. Over the last 100 years, several modifications have been made to the current building to the point where even the building requires rest. Which is why the decision was taken to construct a new Parliament building”.

 श्री मोदी ने कहा, ‘’नया भवन नवीनता और प्राचीनता का संगम होगा और बदलती परिस्थितियों के अनुरूप स्‍वयं में कायम बदलाव की भावना को भी दर्शाता है। मौजूदा संसद भवन में हमारा संविधान तैयार तथा हमें सौंपा गया था और यह हमारी अधिकांश लोकतांत्रिक विरासत का संग्रहगार है परंतु इसके साथ ही हमारा यथार्थवादी होना भी महत्‍वपूर्ण है। पिछले 100 सालों में, मौजूदा भवन में इस हद तक कई बदलाव किए गए हैं कि जहां भवन को भी आराम की जरूरत है। इन सबके कारण नए संसद भवन के निर्माण का निर्णय लिया गया था।

Saturday, 20 March 2021

Translation (English-Hindi) Exercise - 35 (20-03-2021)


At its ground-breaking ceremony, he calls upon MPs to keep spirit of optimism alive around democracy by being always accountable to people and Constitution.Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said the new Parliament building, for which the ground-breaking ceremony was held, would channel and reflect the aspirations of 21st century India.

Mr. Modi said, “The new building will be the amalgamation of the new and the ancient, and reflects also the spirit of fostering change in oneself adapting to changing circumstances. Our Constitution was framed and given to us in the current parliament building and it is the repository of much of our democratic legacy but it is important to be realistic as well. Over the last 100 years, several modifications have been made to the current building to the point where even the building requires rest. Which is why the decision was taken to construct a new Parliament building”.